Monday, September 5, 2011


When the Constitution was signed and approved in 1787, it had to be ratified by the thirteen states that made up America. The Constitution was a drastic improvement over the Articles of Confederation, the first document that attempted to govern America. Basically, each state had to ratify the constitution or they would be independent of the united states entirely. There was a huge debate about whether or not to have one large government overseeing all of the colonies and governing them as one, or to have thirteen seperate governments-one for each state. This created such a rift that the country was divided into two groups the Federalists and the Anti-Federalists.
The federalists were made up of wealthy men who were merchants or property owners. These were the men who were instrumental in creating the constitution. Examples of men who were federalists: George Washington, Ben Franklin, Alexander Hamilton, and James Madison. The federalists were in favor of one large governing body over all thirteen states.
However, while the land owners and merchants were in favor of one large governing body, there was a group that was in favor of individual governments- The Anti- Federalists. This group included such men as: Patrick Henry, George Mason, and Edmund Randolph. The anti-federalists were less likely to be wealthy and more likely to be tradesmen.
Ultimately the federalists won out. The country became one large governed body. Because these men were instrumental in creating the constitution, that worked to their advantage when arguing for one government at the constitutional convention.
This goes to show that political debates are not just a thing of today. These debates have been going on since America was founded. So many people get so caught up in Politics and don't truly take time to listen to what kinds of things and changes that politicians would like to make. People just hear the republican candidate or the democratic candidate and vote along with whatever party they are registered with. A prime example is in the election of Barack Obama in 2008. Many african americans were so excited to see him as a candidate that they just voted for him without knowing his political platform. I am not saying that is right or wrong, because according to the government established by the federalists, these people have a right to cast their vote in the election- whether they know the political platform of they candidate they vote for or not.

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